Lighting Design
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The Secret Garden

Cape Fear Regional Theatre
Fayetteville, NC
January 1996
Scenic Design by Laurie Powell
Costume Design by Irene Hall
Directed by Bo Thorpe
Musical Direction by Jeff Swinkin

"Come to My Garden."

Enter the Secret Garden.

"Where in the World."

Reveal of the Secret Garden. 

Production Notes:
The primary artistic choice in the lighting of The Secret Garden was to use purple as the color of the dead character, and specifically Lily.  This was set against the relatively warm light used inside.  Also, the production was highly textured, both in the dead world and in the garden area.  Scenically, the dead characters (aside from Lily) moved only in the upper platform area, thus keeping them mostly contained.  This color scheme was carried through in the scenic design as well, with the Paris scrim being monochromatic and the portrait of Lily being largely purple as well.  Most of the play was kept fairly dim, indicating the effect of Lily's death on the whole house and everyone in it, and also leaving room for the bright and fantastic reveal of the secret garden.

Secret Garden Light Plot .